I realize this headline reads like the worst clickbait trash, but bear with me.
Today I’m going to talk about how to lighten the load of running your house machine. Now that you’ve created stations and systems so everything has a home, all that’s left is to actually do the maintenance work of running the systems.
Many (most?) people approach housework as a once a week or once a month project. Saturday afternoon is here, time to tidy the house! I’m guessing that’s not how most people prefer to spend a weekend afternoon.
I don’t ever spend more than 10 minutes at a time tidying my house, unless it’s the occasional closet clean-out or system overhaul. The daily work of maintaining order is done in tiny 2-10 minute chunks throughout the day. But I don’t have that kind of time throughout the day, you might be thinking. I’m going to challenge you on this, but we’ll get to that.