We had an influx of new subscribers this week, and I’m so happy you’re here! I feel like there’s two kinds of people in the world (to egocentrically divide the world according to my specific interests for a second here): people who stare at me blankly when I tell them I write a home organization newsletter (clearly thinking, Uh whyyy?) vs people who come alive and say OMG YES THANK GOD. I love being able to collect the latter group here. It’s a peculiar hobby, but iykyk and I’m so happy for us weirdos to join together.
This week I have a quick win that should be within everyone’s grasp. Let’s get one small thing organized, shall we?
An old friend recently texted me an SOS about her Tupperware drawer, and it reminded me of the simple pleasure of an organized Tupperware drawer. (For simplicity I’m just going to use the branded name though obviously lots of companies now make food storage containers.)
In my thinking and talking about Tupperware this week, a neighbor who’s a generation older…