How do you manage division of labor at home?
The journey to household fairness.
This is a huge topic and something I’ve been itching to write about for a long time. As the parents of young kids, household division of labor between my husband and me overshadows nearly every aspect of our lives. But even in my single days, I remember feeling stress over division of chores with housemates as far back as college.
Today many of my friends are grappling with this with their partners/spouses, so it feels like a near-universal challenge. I point blank ask my friends how they handle division of domestic labor (try it!) and it’s FASCINATING to hear how much people have to say about it.
As I was drafting this, I received
’s addictive newsletter which details how a real couple handles division of labor. A telling quote:“Brian and I have SO MANY conversations, arguments, and revelations about the division of labor. To be honest, it’s an ongoing struggle. We’ve talked about it in therapy. We’ve talked about it with friends. We’ve talked about it when neither of us feels like t…